Exposing the Dating Scam Crime Syndicate…

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Since the release of Episode #1: Introduction on March 30th 2024, a number of hits to our undisclosed website IP tracker logged a number of hits and after exposing the dating scammer agent in Ghana, have yielded up to April 3rd 2024 the following locations:

1. Accra, Ghana
2. Wisconsin, USA
3. Shenzhen, China
4. Moscow, Russia
5. Los Angeles, CA, USA
6. Accra, Ghana
7. Wisconsin, USA
8. Moscow, Russia
9. Dublin, Ireland
10. Timis, Romania
11. Stockholm, Sweden

The undisclosed website(s) used have not been plugged into any search engines so this implies that these hits are indeed organic and as a result from the dating scam syndicate network.

Below is a full gallery in detail of the local hits in the order of the hits:

Since exposing scammers to the IP tracker site(s), at least two different accounts across various dating sites have been reluctant to kick on the link. This could imply that not only is this a international crime syndicate, also that all the workers have been informed or instructed by their handlers to avoid clicking on the links. As a counter measure we plan to copy the IP loggers to other domains.

IP Logs from undisclosed site #1

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